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Dr. William Yates, MD FACS utilizes the most advanced technologies when he is diagnosing and treating hair loss for men and women. Since Dr. Yates focuses solely on hair restoration, he has performed thousands of hair transplants in a state-of-the-art environment and utilizing the most revolutionary hair transplant techniques.Since Dr. Yates’ skills are so highly specialized, he is sought out by patients all over the world.
Dr. Yates is the first choice for other doctors desiring a hair transplant. Attorneys, executives, surgeons, professional athletes and anyone with hair loss seek his treatment and successful results.
We offer travel concierge services to ensure that your trip and procedure provide you with the best experience possible. We are located in Chicago and are equipped with state-of-the art diagnostic and surgical equipment that has been designed specifically for our innovative surgical hair restoration procedures.
Dr. Yates focuses solely on hair restoration and treatments to improve your appearance and self-confidence. For over 15 years, he has exclusively been performing and perfecting state-of-the art hair restoration surgery.
Dr. William Yates has served as a Medical Board Examiner and earned the esteemed designation as a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS). He exudes the highest standards of care in the industry, performing the hair transplant surgery himself without delegating to a physician assistant or technician.
He has performed thousands of surgeries and feels very strongly that this should be performed by a skilled physician,
We perform Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and hair transplant repair procedures utilizing the most advanced techniques and procedures. Dr. Yates is one of the leaders in hair restoration and you will benefit from his vast experience, his incredible attention to detail and his flawless surgical techniques.
Call Now for New Spring Specials! Start Your Hair Restoration Today and See Results by Summer! Plus Non-Surgical Specials Save $800 on PRP Just $900(Regularly $1,700)
Save $1,000 Off Exosomes Just $2,500(Regularly $3,500)
Ready to love your hair? Call312.883.9617for a consultation or fill out the form below